
Showing posts from November, 2022

Stylish and Practical Clothes for Chemo Patients

Cancer patients and chemotherapy patients often feel ugly and uncomfortable wearing, so they want to wear something that is more stylish and less in the way. Clothes without zippers are difficult, especially under the arm or in the pants area due to space constraints. Clothes that have zippers near the back of the garment allow chemo patients more freedom of movement—to a certain extent. What to Wear for a Chemotherapy Treatment If you or a loved one is starting chemotherapy, it's natural to have questions about what to expect. One of the most common questions we hear is about clothing and how to dress for treatment. Here are a few suggestions for stylish and practical clothes for chemo patients: 1. Loose, comfortable clothing: Chemotherapy can cause side effects like nausea, fatigue, and poor circulation. You'll want to wear clothes that are loose and comfortable so you can move around easily and stay as comfortable as possible. 2. Natural fabrics: Synthetic fabrics like polye